I Want to Embrace My Inner Slut but I Don’t Feel Sexy...

Of course you don’t! Everything around us wants us to hate ourselves, our bodies, our sexual and sensual energy, especially our powerful erotic energy. Our society wants us to be disconnected from ourselves because it helps these fucked systems thrive, they run on our self hatred. Very few of us come to this work feeling sexy. Often we come to this work craving reconnecting to ourselves, wanting to eradicate shame around our erotic self, feeling like we know there is more to life, to being in these bodies, but being unsure how to find it again, or maybe even unsure how to find it for the first time.

Frequently when people come to this work they feel afraid, awkward, too nerdy, dorky, too weird, too big, too small, unsure how to feel sexy in general, unhappy about their bodies, ashamed of the way they dance or move, basically feeling not good enough all around. I am here to teach you how to find what makes YOU feel sexy, to summon and revere YOUR expression of eroticism- not to mirror what you have been conditioned to believe is sexy.

This is what Slut Magic is all about and what I am here to help you do. I want to help you remember who the fuck you are, that no matter what this society, your family, your friends, your community have tormented you into believing, you’re fucking magic baby!! I am here to help you reclaim every ounce of your erotic badass energy that they tried to steal from you, shame you out of, misuse, abuse, degrade, and belittle. We are here to tell those people to fuck off and slut it up without shame.

Lil Slut Sermon on Unpacking Erotic Shame

You are fucking powerful, whether or not you believe it right now doesn’t change that it’s true. Our eroticism is so powerful that all these systems have invested insane amounts of money, energy, and laws to tear us away from a core part of self. Let’s reclaim the power we each hold unapologetically.

I am not here to teach you to be like me, to dance or move like me, or to be sexy like me. I am here to help you trust yourself, trust your intuition and start discovering and fulfilling your desires. I want to help you immerse yourself in pleasure and joy that speaks to you. This is about me creating a container for you to cultivate connection and practices and do the resurrection of a beautiful relationship with yourself, a relationship that everything has made you think you need to rely on outside sources to find. It’s in you babe!! It’s been there this whole time. I am not here to give you something you don’t have, I am here to help you come home to yourself, to ignite the fire waiting to burn, and revel in your magic!

💋 Eve

Being Unapologetically Erotic